Multi-Sport Module 5.1: Volleyball – Adaptive Technology Grades 3-5

Welcome to your Multi-Sport Module 5.1: Volleyball - Adaptive Technology Grades 3-5

Is this your pre or post assessment?

1. Put the steps of the Engineering Design for Adaptive Volleyball in order:

a. Plan and build a prototype: Draw diagrams and build a device or implement a support.
b. Brainstorming and multiple designs for a solution.
c. Identify the problem: Some of the players in adaptive volleyball need assistance to retrieve balls that have gone out-of-play. 
d. Redesign: Make changes to your design based on the data and interviews.
e. Test the prototypes: Record date and interview participants on its success.  
f. Communicate: Present your idea and results to the class.
g. Research: Learn more about adaptive sports and who plays.

2. List 2-3 challenges of adaptive sports.

3. List 2-3 benefits of adaptive sports.