Multi-Sport Module 5.1: Volleyball – Adaptive Technology Grades 6-8 Welcome to your Multi-Sport Module 5.1: Volleyball – Adaptive Technology Grades 6-8 Teacher Email Student ID Is this your pre or post assessment? Pre-Assessment Post-Assessment Grade 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 1. Which of the following is an essential reason to collect data when testing a design? a. To determine the overall success of the design. b. To prove your design was the best. c. To measure how long it will work. d. To compare your initial design and redesign. None 2. Put the steps of the Engineering Design for Adaptive Volleyball in order:a. Plan and build a prototype: Draw diagrams and build a device or implement a support.b. Brainstorming and multiple designs for a solution.c. Identify the problem: Some of the players in adaptive volleyball need assistance to retrieve balls that went out-of-play.d. Redesign: Make changes to your design based on the data and interviews.e. Test the prototype: Ask a local adaptive team to test the device or system, or play adaptive volleyball and test it. Record data and interview participants on its success.f. Communicate: Present your idea and results to the class or email your ideas to the adaptive sports league.g. Research: Learn more about adaptive sports and who plays? What kind of disabilities do players have? Interview players about their challenges. Time's up