Take Digital Learning Beyond The Screen

Hands-on activities team up with digital lessons to keep students engaged

Digital learning doesn’t have to mean keeping students glued to a computer all day. In fact, we created our curriculum to do the opposite. You would be just as likely to find students using basketballs to understand Newton’s Laws of Motion, measuring soccer throw-ins, and serving volleyballs to learn about velocity as you would behind a screen. By blending digital learning with hands-on physical activities, we create an environment where students can experience STEM and sharpen their tech skills – while being engaged at every step.

The Educator Experience

Discover STEM topics that need more instruction by watching trends, using automated assessments, and monitoring real-time progress.

Empower students to explore and learn in the digital environment independently.

Ensure every student is getting the accommodations they need with built-in accessibility and instruction differentiation.

The Student Experience

Increase engagement and interest in learning with mixed environments of digital and physical activities.

Improve understanding of STEM concepts with real-time educator feedback.

Prepare for continuing educational opportunities and future careers with increased exposure to technology.

Digital Curriculum Kits

  • Kits are designed for 30 students.
  • Licenses are valid for one school year.
  • 30-student minimum Digital License required – $1,300.
  • Additional student licenses are $35 each
  • On-demand video and live professional development training 
Product Full Kit STEM Kit
(Sports Equipment Not Included)
STEM Basketball $999 $499
STEM Football $999 $499
STEM Soccer $999 $499
STEM Volleyball $1599 $849
STEM Multi-Sport Original Edition $1,999 $1,199
STEM All-In Original Edition $4,456 $2,346

Features all available sports for the 25/26 school year. Shipping Cost Not Included.

STEM Multi-Sport Original Edition contains eight (8) lessons each for 3-5 & 6-8 grade bands from STEM
Basketball, STEM Football, STEM Soccer, & STEM Volleyball.

STEM All-In Original Edition contains 32 lessons each for 3-5 & 6-8 grade bands from STEM Basketball, STEM
Football, STEM Soccer, & STEM Volleyball.

Coming soon: STEM Baseball, STEM Golf and STEM Softball.


STEM Sports is a synchronous online course that fosters interactive, collaborative learning through peer-to-peer engagement and inquiry-based approaches. The course encourages student leadership and ownership of their learning, while also incorporating physical activity to support an active and engaging online learning environment.

By using the STEM Sports digital platform, you’ll have access to a full year’s worth of curriculum, which currently includes STEM Sports Basketball (grades 3-5 and 6-8), STEM Sports Football (grades 3-5 and 6-8), STEM Sports Soccer (grades 3-5 and 6-8), and STEM Sports Volleyball (grades 3-5 and 6-8).

With the STEM Sports digital platform, teachers can generate course reports to track the progress of individual students, specific student groups, and entire classes. Additionally, they can run standards reports for these groups to monitor progress on Common Core Math Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and National Physical Education Standards. Administrators and district leaders will have the ability to run these reports on a school and district level. 

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) – STEM Sports incorporates scientific principles and experiments related to physical activities, ensuring that students engage with content in a hands-on, practical way. Common Core State Standards (CCSS) – These are often addressed when STEM Sports integrates mathematics and problem-solving tasks related to sports activities. National Physical Education Standards – STEM Sports integrates physical fitness and movement with STEM concepts, aligning with the standards for physical education. 21st Century Skills – The activities also help develop important skills like critical thinking, teamwork, and communication, which are key components of many educational frameworks.

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