Football Module 6.1: Extra Point vs Two-Point Conversions Grades 6-8

Welcome to your Football Module 6.1: Extra Point vs Two-Point Conversions Grades 6-8

Is this your pre or post assessment?

1. Prior to 2015 PAT, kicks had a probability of 0.996. If a team attempted 3 PAT a game for the season (16 games), how many times can you predict they will score the extra point?

2. After the 2015 rule change, PAT kicks had a probability of 0.942. If the team attempted 3 PATs a game for the season (16 games), how many times can you predict they will score the extra point?

3. In 2018, the chances of success for a two-point conversion was 0.6. If the team attempted 3 two-point conversions a game for the season (16 games), what is the predicted point difference if they would have attempted all PAT’s instead (based on probability)?