What the US Open Teaches Us About Tennis Physics

Why am I learning this? When will this ever apply to my everyday life? 

Questions like this are common among students, especially in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects. Educators and parents are often pushed to explain why what students are learning matters and how these skills will be applicable as they enter adulthood and the workforce. The answer is simple: STEM concepts can be found in everything. By connecting STEM lessons to real world applications, students start to understand why what they are learning is important, allowing them to make the connection to things they interact with frequently.

At STEM Sports®, we use sports as a way to facilitate STEM lessons with K-8 students. The hands-on nature of sports as a real-world application makes for a strong, effective way to improve students’ STEM literacy. It can be even more effective when educators tie their STEM lessons to sports, allowing students to work alongside a major event to further connect what they are learning to the world around them. In this blog, we will talk about how the US Open, a well-known and respected tennis tournament with global attention, can be used to help students strengthen their STEM skills through exploring the science behind tennis.

The Physics of the Perfect Serve

From the human body, to the racket, to the ball, there is science at play when someone serves the tennis ball. Whether it is a professional tennis player or someone who plays as a hobby, the best servers are always the ones that have physics on their side. 

Here are the main science concepts that impact the success level of a tennis serve:

  • Force and Velocity: Players use their kinetic chain (legs, hips, torso, arm, elbow, wrist, and racket) to increase the velocity and force behind their serve. In this case, each moving body part creates motion with increased velocity to the next moving body part, ending with the racket striking the ball with maximum force.
  • Angle and Trajectory: The angle of the racket at impact and the trajectory of the ball play a major factor in the effectiveness of a serve. If a player has the wrong angle, it can cause the ball to go into the net or out of bounds.  
  • Magnus Effect: The Magnus Effect occurs when an object moves through fluid. In the case of tennis, it is the ball moving through the air that causes the Magnus Effect. This allows players to use topspin or backspin to enhance their serve and confuse their opponent. To learn more about the Magnus Effect in tennis, click here. 

Spin and Control: The Role of Angular Momentum

As players progress through their tennis career, the game becomes not only about their personal skills and successes, but how they can match and/or defeat their opponents. In the case of serve and returns, it is about using spin – topspin or backspin – to confuse the opponent and make it harder for them to return the serve or volley. 

Here is a list of some of the common tennis hits that use angular momentum to elevate a players game: 

  • Serve
    • Flat Serve
    • Kick Serve 
    • Slice Serve
  • Groundstrokes 
    • Forehand Stroke Hit 
    • Backhand Stroke Hit 
    • Topspin Groundstroke
    • Flat Groundstroke 
    • Slice Groundstroke 
  • Volley Shots: 
    • Lob Shot
    • Overhead Smash
    • Drop Shot 

Tennis players are able to use different angles of approaching the ball to create the shots above. Depending on the angle of the racket before and at impact, players can make the ball curve/break and maneuver in a way that makes it difficult or impossible for their opponent to quickly, effectively respond and/or return a serve or volley.

Energy Transfer and the Sweet Spot

Over the years, the structure of the tennis racket has changed, each engineering advancement making it more effective and usable by players. From the beginning, rackets were made primarily of wood, making them heavy, stiff, and difficult to use. Over time, they transitioned to metal rackets, and then most recently to graphite tennis rackets – creating a lighter and more flexible racket option. Beyond the structure of the racket, there have also been advancements to the racket’s string pattern, changing the way the racket and the ball interact. 

There is what tennis players refer to as the sweet spot on the racket, which is generally located just above the center of the racket. When exercised properly, players will use their kinetic chain to create energy throughout their body with each fluid motion, transferring that energy to their body and then, eventually, to the ball when it hits the sweet spot – creating a fundamentally sound and effective swing.

Aerodynamics and Tennis Ball Flight

Aerodynamics have a major impact on the flight of a tennis ball. Having a deep understanding of the aerodynamic principles at play is key to player success and continued progression of skills. 

Here are three key STEM influencers of tennis ball flight: 

  • Air Resistance: Air resistance has the ability to slow down the speed of a ball, which impacts how a player needs to approach their hit. By understanding air resistance, players can better account for how these variations will impact their game.
  • Ball Design: The yellow fuzzy exterior of tennis balls plays a major role in the aerodynamics of the ball. That is why, when a new tennis ball is used, players will notice increased drag on the ball. Tennis balls are also considered bluff bodies, meaning they are more impacted by pressure pockets than air. To learn more about the purposeful design of the tennis ball, read this article by The Scientific Inquirer. 
  • The Impact of Altitude: Given the statement above that pressure pockets in the air impact the flight of tennis balls more than other factors, it is safe to say the game of tennis changes depending on altitude. For example, at higher altitudes, players can expect increased ball speed, altered and higher bounce because of the decrease in air density.

Momentum and Footwork: Maximizing Movement on the Court

Tennis requires athletes to be agile and quick on their feet. Using proper footwork, players can improve their reaction time and set themselves up for success. While at a glance, it does not appear an athlete’s movement has any connection to STEM, that is not the case. Athletes use acceleration, deceleration, balance, stability, and Newton’s Laws of Motion to quickly and effectively maneuver the court throughout a match. The best players are those who understand these principles and can actively tailor their training sessions to emphasize improvements in these areas.  

STEM in Every Serve, Swing, and Spin at the US Open

There are STEM concepts present in every area of our lives, including sports. The US Open poses a unique opportunity for parents and educators to use this popular sporting event to get students excited about STEM learning. If you are looking to implement STEM curricula using sports with your K-8 children or students, click here to learn more about STEM Tennis, an engaging, turnkey STEM Curriculum and Kit.

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