Education | News

STEM Sports & 1GPA

STEM Sports® was recently awarded a national contract with 1Government Procurement Alliance (1GPA), a national non-profit governmental purchasing cooperative that enables public entities to purchase goods and services from local and national vendors. Through 1GPA’s pooled purchasing power, “schools, cities, counties and state entities, as well as colleges, universities and Native American communities can save…


More than a Sample Size

It started with a free STEM Sports® lesson sample request in 2019. Soon after, F. K. White Middle School would begin an enrichment effort that brought the world of sports together with STEM. While this was a new challenge for the Louisiana-based school’s eager students, little did they know what other tests awaited them. First…


STEM Sports® Offers an Alternative to Video Games for the Summer

New subscription provides learning, physical activity, and fun to kids ages 8-14 Summer is here and that means it is the perfect time for STEM Sports® to kick off their monthly subscription model using their innovative curricula for kids ages 8-14. The excitement of opening a new gift for 12 consecutive months will promote a…


In Business: STEM Sports® Audible Aids Education

Teaching STEM literacy through the fun of sports and creative and strategic educational lessons STEM Sports® is committed to the educational enrichment of youth. Its focus on analog technology has empowered this commitment. Through a double-play combination of physical activity and cognitive thinking, the organization provides a comprehensive approach. Preparing students for future careers, STEM…


STEM Sports® equips students for science, tech, engineering and math careers with athletics

Historically, it’s a no brainer. Survey kids and usually most of them will tell you they prefer a P.E. class over a math one. When it comes to STEM – science, technology, engineering and mathematics – education, those subjects tend to pale in popularity overall. Educators find students have more difficulty retaining those concepts, which…


STEM Sports® was featured in the Motivational Monday segment on 3TV Arizona’s Family

Motivational Monday: STEM Sports® uses science to teach kids about football Moya Elementary School in Phoenix is using science to teach kids about sports. Maria Hechanova gave us the lowdown on the STEM Sports® program the school uses.

STEM Sport® Shares Curricula for Use at Home by Kids Ages Eight to 14

STEM Sport® Shares Curricula for Use at Home by Kids Ages Eight to 14

STEM Sports® All-Star Kits is featured on Trendhunter: CURRICULUM Grades 3rd, 4th & 5th Grades 6th, 7th & 8th Grades 3rd, 4th & 5th Module 1 – Measuring and Comparing Module 2 – Technological Advancements and Improved Quarterback Play Module 3 – The Advancement of In-Game Football Communication Module 4 – The Evolution of…


STEM Sports® Offers an Alternative to Video Games for Birthday and Holiday Gift-Givers

New subscription launches on National STEM Day and brings learning, physical activity, and fun to kids ages 8-14 Today is #National STEM Day, which promotes fun and engaging ways to teach kids science, technology, engineering, and math, so it’s the perfect day for STEM Sports® to kick off the subscription model of its innovative curricula…