Education | STEM

19 Best Halloween STEM Activities for Middle School

Halloween is just around the corner! That means children are getting excited about the costumes, candy, and other exciting activities that surround the holiday. One way to increase student engagement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) lessons is to introduce themed activities into the classroom that connect with the current season.  In this article,…


What is STEM Teaching and Why is it Important?

Table of ContentsSTEM Education DefinedSix (6) Reasons Why STEM Teaching Is ImportantGives Students Education Application ExperienceSTEM Teaches InnovationImproves 21st Century Skills – Creative Thinking and Problem-Solving SkillsTeaches Teamwork and CollaborationIntroduces Technology to KidsIntroduces STEM Career Options to Students at an Early AgeTeaching Methods to Effectively Implement STEM CurriculumExperiential Learning MethodCross-Curricular Learning MethodProject Based Learning MethodInquiry…

Education | Engineering | Football | Math | Science | Sports | STEM

15 Best STEM Project Ideas for Middle School

Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects are essential to a child’s education. These subjects help students prepare for the workforce, where STEM professions are growing faster than any other field. Oftentimes, classroom lesson plans only include math and science. This leaves students with a knowledge gap in technology and engineering. As educators, our goal…

Education | STEM

How STEM Curriculum & Education Is Preparing Students for
Future Careers

Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects are gaining tremendous importance throughout our education system. The World Economic Forum stated, “65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist.” In a rapidly changing world, it is important for students to increase their STEM…

Education | Funding Trends | STEM

EANS Funding for STEM Curriculum

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Appropriations Act was passed and implemented on December 27, 2020. One form of relief that came out of this act was Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS) funding.  Private schools across the nation have received this funding. But, some may not know how they can spend…

Sports | STEM

Science of Hockey

Believe it or not, Hockey is one of the few sports the STEM Sports® team has yet to produce a curriculum for. A sport that entails plenty of STEM concepts for students to wrap their minds around as they skate past the blue line and set-up their teammate with a centering pass. Needless to say, our…

Education | Football | STEM

When STEM and Football Collide

There has been a significant increase of awareness around concussions and head injuries in football in recent years. By extension, this awareness and subsequent increase in concussion protocols has decreased concussions since 2015, as depicted below by IQVIA: an independent, third-party associated with the NFL (National Football League) to effectively measure the impact of injuries,…

Basketball | STEM

Science of Basketball

Table of ContentsMindfulness MattersA Solid FoundationCareer AspirationsHistorical ContextAdvancementsStrategic ApproachConclusion Mindfulness Matters Can STEM and Sports principles be applied simultaneously in the workplace or as a foundational application for educators and students? The STEM Sports®️ curriculum was developed with this vision and purpose in mind: Educate and prepare students with a methodological approach of quality and…


Diversity in STEM

Introduction: Diversity in the STEM workforce is a hot topic among professionals and education leaders. Most people have their own opinions on why diversity is important to any workforce. Below is an article that takes a unique approach to diversity in STEM. It speaks to why it is essential that we diversify the STEM workforce…