STEM Sports® Curricula – Updates and Additions

STEM Sports® will soon be releasing a new version of our curricula that includes updates as well as additions to the overall modules. We at STEM Sports® believe that these changes will enhance the educational experience with each of our STEM kits for both educators and students. After eight various schools piloted the new curricula,…


Recognizing the Importance of African-Americans in STEM

A common STEM-related topic is the lack of gender and racial diversity in the workforce. Diversity in any field allows for different views to be incorporated into the work, which improves quality. In honor of Black History Month, this blog will highlight inspirational and influential African-Americans in STEM and talk about the racial gap currently…


Sports in Education

Paper and pencil in hand, sixth-graders at Columbus Academy sat in the stands marking the made and missed shots by the school’s varsity basketball teams. They were doing so not only as fans but also for a school project constructed by their teacher Katie Castle. Using basketball, Castle teaches her students about percentages in a…


Hands-on Learning

What is hands-on learning? Hands-on learning is also known as 21st century learning and is focused on students learning through doing. This approach allows students to learn with the lesson rather than sitting through a lecture and listening to the curriculum. This interaction with the lesson results in better comprehension and retention of the material…


Progressive Education: The Key of the Future

Zaharis Elementary, part of the Mesa Public Schools, in Phoenix, Arizona has caught attention because of their progressive approach in preparing their students to excel in their future professions. They have shifted their focus from tests and test results to a more “outside-of-the-box model” that creates lifelong learners who will be able to adapt to…