9 Activity Ideas for STEM in Physical Education

Integrating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) into Physical Education (PE) classes offers an innovative approach to education. In an era where sports statistics, science, and technology increasingly influence athletics, PE classes are uniquely positioned to blend physical activity with STEM learning and 21st century skills. This article explores how PE educators and facilitators can…

Education | Science

Is Sports Science a STEM Subject?

STEM is a widely used term to describe science, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects, curriculum, degrees, and careers. However, this blanket abbreviation for these subjects does not cover the extent of what can be considered a STEM subject. There are a variety of soft science, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects that still fall under the…

Fitness & Health | Uncategorized

Why Physical Education Can’t Be a Casualty of the Pandemic

When thinking about the health of a child, it is not enough to just think about one aspect. There are physical and mental health concerns. Both of these are essential to a happy, healthy and developing child.  STEM Sports® is an education company that uses sport as a way to facilitate STEM education. By doing…